Reasons to buy authentic luxury bags

I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum before with regard to my purses. In the past, I used to purchase the cheap, very affordable bags. Now, I do save up to buy luxury bags.  There is a reason why luxury bags are worth the splurge.

Budget bags just don’t last

The old saying, “You get what you pay for” rings true with ed should be aregard to handbags. I had make the mistake in my younger days, like many of us, I’m sure.  I purchased the $30 purse and thought it was such a great buy from whatever store I bought it from only to realize in as short as a few months of daily use and up to a year or so later, that the bag had already seen better days. By looking worn out, I mean really worn out! I am talking about the outer “leather” or textile parts, mainly the corners were already cracked, broken, or in some cases, had small holes worn out! The inside fared no better with worn out zippers, holes in the seams to where if I had accidentally dropped some loose change, I could hear the ‘clink, clink’, but couldn’t see the change because a seam on the inside liner had busted open.  It was bad, really, really bad.  There was even one where I was about as gentle as could be. Yup, it got worn out quickly too. The ones that were textile bags were just as bad, if not worse because the cloth is like a magnet to dirt. I’m sure the only way to keep one of these bags clean would be to put a plastic or a shopping bag to cover. How attractive! *Note the sarcasm. The straps didn’t fare much better either, those were the first to show the wear and tear by showing cracks along the seams.  It would become uncomfortable to have a bag on bare shoulders from the cracks scraping me or having to worry about the strap snagging my more delicate fabrics.

Budget handbags are not as roomy as you think

Whenever I would buy budget bags, I always noted how many had all these little slots or extra compartments with zippers a budget purse contained.  What I didn’t realize was that those extra compartments came at a bigger price: space.  The storage within the extra compartments was not as deep as it should have been. Zippers take up more space than they look while giving the illusion that there is more space. It’s even worse if the purse is a smaller size, like a clutch or wristlet.  As roomy as many look, especially with the smaller handbags, they really don’t hold as much as they appear.  If you do fill your purse up, you will end up paying the price like I did because of a higher wear and tear tendency.

Buy an authentic luxury bag

You will see the distinct quality difference in the bags.  When I bought my first designer bag, (I bought a Coach), I saw that they are indeed made with more care. The logos line up and are uniform they are stitched with care and have no loose or dangling threads on the textile liner on the inside, there is more room than meets the eye in many cases. If I have to incidentally have to stuff my bag, as in somebody else purchaed something or needs me to hold something in my bag

quality checkmark

and my bag is already a little stuffed. Do you know what will happen? The purse won’t bust!  It will just be more filled! Imagine that! The storage compartments seem to be deeper as well. But, but, how about those fake designer bags, don’t they hold up as well? Maybe. I would doubt that they would last as long as an authentic luxury bag. They may last a year before they look worn out.  Designer bags are made to last a few years before they have fulfilled their use and lifespan. At a distance, the fakes may look like designer bags, but upon closer inspection, you may discover slight, and in some cases very subtle differences in the shades of leathers used on some of the leather bags. Logos may appear off-center or may not match up along the seams. The zipper shade may not be the same color as the authentic bag.  Think bronze zippers in the fakes instead of a silvertone on the authentic when the rest of the accent metal pieces are silver. The list can go on at this point.

*I would just like to disclose that as an associate, I receive commissions through purchases made in this post.

Buy some beautiful bags and more here!

These bags are made to last!

When you are splurging on a purse, you expect to have this bag last more than a few months to a year. I have had a couple of luxury bags, and I can already say I will never go back to an inexpensive one, no matter how cute it is or how perfectly it matches an outfit. It’s just not worth it in the end to buy an inexpensive purse. Not only will the luxury bag stand the test of time as far as wearability, but fashionwise, the luxury bags also stand the test of time.  If you were to look at a set of luxury bags, especially those who have been in existence over 50, 60, 75 years or more, you may notice that some of their bags don’t change drastically. Why would that be? The pieces already created many years ago are made to be able to go with just about any piece in your wardrobe at any stage in life.  As far as a budget bag, they may be VERY seasonal, maybe a year or two and will be out of style like yesterday’s trash.


The inexepensive purses that are out on the market today are only as good for as little as you pay for them. If you want one of those bags to last, your best bet is to just take a picture.  They don’t have a good durability record, and can be deceptive as far as space is concerned. The best thing is to splurge on a bag you like because if you are the type to look very put together, the bag is an accent piece that can solidify the look. If going out to purchase one at this moment is not possible, and you must save up for it, do so, and find one that will fit your needs. You will see the quality and durability for a long time.

2 thoughts on “Reasons to buy authentic luxury bags

  1. You are quite right, you get what you pay for. And buying cheap usually turns out to be more expensive as you end up having to replace items a lot quicker, than if you had paid more for a quality product. And quality products are not necessarily luxury products. They certainly look better for much longer, thereby saving you money not having to replace them every few months.

    Authentic luxury products will always hold their value, far more than imitation products, that end up with no real value. And that applies not only to bags,but to all quality and designer labels. 

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