When searching for just the right handbag at the right price, does authentic even matter? Do you think anybody’s gonna know if it’s the real deal or not? Should you even worry if it’s not? Here are some basic guidelines to keep in mind when searching for the next bargain and why choosing that much cheaper fake is not going to pay off in the long run.
Why go authentic?
Yes, a good designer handbag is not going to be cheap. I would hope that we all know that. For those who truly didn’t know, yes, good handbags are expensive. They are truly worth it. Aside from paying for the pretty name of the designer, you are truly paying for the quality of the handbag! If you’ve never seen the inside lining of a well-made bag, you’ll notice that the seams are even, the patterns all match up, no loose threads are seen anywhere. On all leather handbags, you will even smell the leather. The texture is different. Depending on the type of leather, some will feel velvety soft, none will feel rough since only high quality leather is used. High quality leather is much softer than those used in less expensive leather items.
*I would just like to disclose that as an associate, I receive commissions through purchases made in this post.
Looking for an authentic designer bag? Click here!
Spotting fakes
Caution should always be exercised when you are not shopping in an authorized retailer. One of the first signs of spotting a fake before getting a good look at the handbag is the price. Imitation handbags are going to be much, much cheaper than an authentic designer bag, although some very good fakes will charge a bit more, but will still be noticeably less expensive than an authentic. One of the first things you may notice in a fake is the texture of the bag, especially the “all leather” bags, the smell of leather might not be present. The texture may be “off” it could feel stiff or flimsy, the color may not be quite right. Looking at any embellishments, hardware, and zippers, their colors might not match. For instance, on a fake bag, the hardware (usually the metal pieces that attach handles to the main body of the purse might be a gold tone, but the zipper could be silver or copper-colored. Or, the shape of the hardware may not be the same as an authentic. For instance a fake night have a round hardware, but the authentic might have the hardware square. Depending on the designer, If the fake has a pattern on the outside, like a Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors or Coach, a fake will not have the patterns of the logo matching up perfectly along the seams. Speaking of seams, the stitching of a fake will have uneven stitching, loose threads, or the color of the threads might not closely match the leather of the handbag like it should. Authentic bags are handstitched and thoroughly inspected before reaching store shelves. The interior lining might not have the logo, and just like the exterior logos, the interior logos might not match up with the fakes, or the texture of the lining might not be the correct textile. Speaking of logos, carefully inspect the branding and logos. If the logo is misspelled or just looks “off” pass on the bag. Additional standard luxury accessories such as a storage bag are always included in an authentic handbag purchase. Lastly, one distinguishing factor with authentic handbags is that each bag has an identification number. This number is simply not a sticker that can be peeled off and tossed. The identification number is placed somewhere on the bag; and it differs from brand to brand on the placement, in such a way that it would damage the bag to remove the identification number. The identification number is used to prove authenticity, but also gives information such as the country, the month, and the week the bag was made. Authentic bags should always be registered!
Dirty deals
Sure, a few bucks saved shouldn’t hurt anybody, right? Actually, purchasing a fake in most places is illegal, you may be subject to a fine if caught a fake designer bag in certain countries. In addition to devaluing the authentic bag, purchasing these counterfeits may also fund more illegal activities such as gang activities, human trafficking, drug smuggling rings, terrorist activities and even child prostitution! Personally, it’s not worth saving a few dollars if it means funding an even worse illegal activity.
Knockoffs, on the other hand, aren’t illegal. Many times they skirt the legality by claiming that the designs are “inspired by” the real bag. The only question of it is the ethics of buying these products. Now, buying a knockoff is a matter of buying with a clear conscience.
Buying fakes simply doesn’t pay off
As a matter of fact, you end up just throwing your money away because fakes aren’t made well. They simply aren’t. Yes, it would be just wonderful if we could all save a buck or two with today’s economy, and with the price of everything going up nowadays, what’s a few pinched pennies? It means that the seams in the liner of a fake bag will fall apart, while an authentic bag will remain in shape. It means that the glued on emblem will start to become loose, or worse, fall off completely on the fake, while the authentic is still happily in place since it was stitched in. Cracks and peeling on the curves and corners may occur on the fake after some time because the “leather” was either a poor quality leather or might not be leather after all. The authentic will still look fresh as a daisy.
Are fake designer bags worth the savings? Most likely not. Personally, why risk it? Not even looking from the fear of somebody being able to tell that the bag is a fake, if it were me getting a bag, I would want one that is well made, one that will hold up against time throughout regular wear. I wouldn’t want the fear of pieces of the handbag falling apart an an inopportune time. I would want the material to be what the label states the bag is, I would expect a leather bag to be a leather bag, and not some textile with a plastic coating made to look like leather. Save up, and get an authentic bag. In the long run, it will end up being a wise investment choice that will be a savings.